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This is the official blog for TAGCstudios, which can be found at

Friday, January 31, 2014

Hunger games costume

So, I decided that while I'm saving up $ for the hunger games dolls, and waiting for some dolls to be released, I decided that, in the back of my mind, I could start working on costumes! So, why not start with Katniss?

I started with the boots, and I will be using 13 wishes Howleen's boots. They were SO HARD to get off, and I accidentally ended up popping the leg out of joint a few times. Now, here are the boots!

So, next I realized that 13 wishes Howleen also has the perfect jacket to, but I didn't know if it would fit or not, especially with Raven's collar. So, here's what it looks like on the doll:

Next she needed pants, Hunters pants would be great, only problem is that he plays Peta, and we do not want a pants-less Peta. So, let's use Troy's jeans instead:

Something is wrong here...

So, the pants don't fit, so I'll have to deal with that later. Anyways, that's really it. I will figure out more solutions later. Other than that, have a great day!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fairytale games! (Hunger games parody)

I've been so excited lately with something that I've been working on... the fairy tale games!
The fairy tale games is a parody of the hunger games. ( based on book 1) If you don't know what the hunger games is, you might have to do some research to understand the series. I've been working on this list for the past few weeks in the back of my head, but now I have finally written it down!  This series is a way way way off, as a lot of the dolls I either don't have or aren't released. So, this is just a cast list, and some things are very much likely to change, so let's start with the main characters...

Katniss Everdeen- Raven queen
Raven is perfect for the role of Katniss, she's got mostly black hair that's long enough to put into a braid, plus, she has the perfect expression,blank!

Primrose Everdeen-Apple white (tinative)
This role is very tinative, as I don't even have Apple white yet, but she has blond hair and looks as much like prim, although she may be switched with Ashllyn, but the only problem with that is that Ashllyn is taller than raven, so it wouldn't look right.

Mother Everdeen- Cerise hood
With her black hair and white streaks, cerise is perfect to play mother.

Peta Mellark- Hunter huntsman
He just fit the role perfectly.

I don't have anyone to play gale yet, but Jackson Jekyll in the picnic casket 2 pack may be a good choice, only problem is that Jackson hasn't been released yet.

Gladys, Ghoulia yelps
Ghoulia has the perfect facial expression to play Gladys!

Now, let's move onto other characters

Madge- C.A. Cupid
I need C.A. Cupid for this series, because without her bow, I will not be able to produce this series, so I thought she would be perfect for Madge.

President snow- Gill Weber
Gill has a very cross expression, making him perfect for playing president snow, don't worry, I will take his bubble off when I make the series

Haymitch- Sparrow hood
Sparrow hood is not even in doll form yet, so this series will have to wait a long time, but when he does come out, he will be perfect for Haymitch.

Effie trinket-Honey swamp
Honey is perfect to play Effie, she's got an Afro, and that is why she is going to play her. As of now, I don't own honey swamp, but I am working on getting her.

Rue- Cedar wood
Again, Cedar has not been released, but her dark skin tone and wavy hair make her perfect to play rue.

The peacekeepers-
I know that Abbey bombinable will be 1 peacekeeper, but I don't know if I will need more, so I may just use Abbey's from different lines.

Glimmer- Ashllyn Ella (tenative)
Ashllyn has a good chance of playing glimmer, but may be switched for Apple white

I do not have anyone to play Marvel,Clove,Cato, Thresh or Cinna

Now for some side/non-main characters

Ceaser flickerman- Holt Hyde
Holt is perfect for Ceaser with his flame sculpted hair, I currently do not own him, nor have I seen him in person, so I will most likely order him online.

Fox face, Rochelle Goyle
Rochelle has always had a face that is perfect for Fox face.

Portia- Viperine gorgon
Viperine's face and hair are perfect to play Peeta's stylist, Portia.

I think Duce will play Senaca crane, but I'm not sure.

Alta ( Training center person/guide)- Briar beauty
Her skin tone and thorn tights make Briar perfect for this role, but I don't own her as of now, so that will have to wait. She may be dropped if I can't get her or if Briar needs to play another character.

So that's it, so here's the cast so far...

And here are the "extra's." These are the dolls who are going to be tributes unless they need to fulfill a role...

Do you like it? I hope you do! This list will definitely change in the future, but that's it for now. I hope I didn't leave anyone out, I went through my tribute guide, so I should have gotten everyone.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Super cute and easy crafts!

Hello! So, today I went on doll diaries and found an awesome craft by Anna on how to make a doll sized insulated lunch box. Click here to check it out! It is super easy, all you need is scissors, duct tape, and a ruler. Here's how mine turned out...

(Sorry for the horrible lighting, it's really late right now)
Pretty cute huh? The next craft I want to show you is by Rochelle Goyle on youtube. Go here to check it out!
I haven't actually finished it yet, but I will post a picture when I'm done. I hope you guys enjoyed! If you did these crafts, tell me how it turned out down below!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Jane Boolittle: is mattel trying to hint something here?

Jane Boolittle is my most recent doll, and I really like her. When she first made her debut behind the gates of monster high at Comicon 2013, lots of us thought that, by her shoe, we would be getting the first disabled monster high doll. After watching Mommy and Gracie show's interview with Garret sander that was proven false and the shoe was just a cool shoe. Now, you may be wondering what the shoe in question is, so here's what it looks like:

So, as you can see, the shoe does very much look like a leg brace,but,as confirmed by Garret, it is just a really cool shoe. Although, here is the interesting thing, Jane also comes with a walking stick. Now, the walking stick is primarily because Jane spends a lot of time walking around in the jungle. But I think it's for a different reason. If you don't know, here's what the walking stick looks like:

So, that is the walking stick. In her diary, she mentions her walking stick in the "killer style" section. She says"I also have an absolutely smashing walking stick I cannot stand to be without." She also says"The only clues I have are needles and my walking stick-I never go on a hike without it." That is the only 2 times I can find where she mentions her walking stick, but if you own Jane, you might want to look through her diary to make sure I didn't miss anything. From this evidence it seems that Jane is very attached to her walking stick, yet she only mentions it 2 times in her diary. So while Jane may not be officially disabled, I think Mattel may be trying to hint something here. 

So, what do you think of Jane's walking stick? Tell me down below!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monster high/everafterhigh

So, lately my brain has been abuz with MH and EAH. I can't believe how cool the secret creepers are, and I hope that the wave 1 EAH's don't go away so soon. The reason I'm worried about this is because I have not seen Briar beauty a lot lately, I've seen her as legacy day and getting fairest, but I have rarely seen her as wave 1. I am also really wanting pic. day Frankie as my first Frankie doll. I've also been attempting to make an inverted fishtail by hand, and it's okay, but my fingers start hurting, so I take the bracelet off my fingers and then I can never get it back on.

Also, I have decided that when Rebecca's hair styling set comes out, I am so going to get it. The faux curling iron is to cute, and I can use it for Lindsey, or just as a prop. Caronline's is okay except 1. I don't have Caroline and 2. I don't have and blond haired dolls so, not really for me. Also, I have not been able to do any missions at innerstar u. I did one medal challange, but other than that, none of the guides have and projects for me. Is there something I need to do?

That's about all I have today, nothing to exciting happened during the day, except the Mommy and Gracie show tags are going around like wild fire. I also can't wait for chad Alan to do another toy news video, his last one was really funny, the part where he impersonated him calling toysrus about the new zelfs. 

See you all soon! Bye :)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Saige's items still avalible!?

So, I found a video by a youtuber called Jane smith, and she was showing that on the american girl website   ( not in stores) They still have quite a few of saige's items! So if you are missing something, go check the AG website by going to the search bar and typing in "saige". here's what the page looks like...

I couldn't capture it to well... but here's what is still available...
-Saige's accessories
Saige's parade hat and helmet
-Saige(book, not doll)
-Saige's sweater outfit
Saige paints the sky ( book #2)
-Saige's tunic outfit
Saige's wrap bracelet for girls
-Saige movie
Saige's picnic set
-and Saige's punch design craft.

That is quite a few items... so either those items did not sell well, or AG just waaaaaaaaaaaaay overproduced. I have a feeling we might see a few of these items show up at the Madison childrens museum benefit sale. So, if you are missing any of these items, get them soon, because I have a feeling they won't be staying long. Also, please remember that these products are NOT available in stores. So, what do you think? hope you guys have an awesome day!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I've become addicted...

Okay, I have officially become addicted to rainbow loom. I currently have 5 bracelets ( 1 missing) as well as 5 doll sized bracelets! Now, I actually do not have a loom. So, I use my hands. I recently got a pack of rubber bands, the only problem is that I was only able to get 1 pack, So my bracelets are all green, but I will most definitely get more. here are my current bracelets...

My human bracelets:

My doll sized bracelets:

So, yeah. I am currently trying to make a single-triple by hand, but it's really hard. Anyways, I hope you all had an awesome weekend and have an even more awesome week!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Finally, A blog!

Hey, I have a blog! I hope all goes well. Let me explain...
So, for a while, I have mentioned that I think I have a blog, the only problem is that that blog was linked to my personal account, so today, I decided to take the plunge and "switch to a limited blogger profile." I still need to learn how to do stuff and experiment, but for now, I have a blog! I am really excited, and if you have any tips for me, please tell me! :)
This will be the offical blog for the youtube of TheAGCollector101: