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Saturday, September 6, 2014

MH makeovers and good lighting

So today I was a bit bored and decided to FINALLY do something about Twyla's bangs. If you're an avid MH collector you might know that twyla's bangs are rooted weirdly, causeing them to part in the center to where they almost aren't bangs. This was the first problem I tackled.


This is before. I'm using a rainbow loom band to smooth down the bangs. I also washed her hair before I did this.


Here's the after! and... I'm not really happy. I think is is substantially better than before, but it's not perfect like I thought it would be.

I am also taking all these photos with my phone under the lamp. The lamp is a GREAT place to take photos of MH&EAH dolls!!!!

I need to fix Jane's hair, it's a hot mess. I have seen her hair down and I really don't like it down.

Jane's hair:

Next, it was onto Picture day Draculara! She had a LOT of gel in her hair. In fact, after I washed it, the water looked mysteriously white and foggy, so I hope I got some Gel out. I didn't get a before, but here's and after, don't her bangs look GREAT?!?!? I think they look much better than usual, but I still wish Monster high would do more thin bangs like Pic. Day Frankie or Dance class Rochelle.

Still, her hair is SO THIN and easy to wash:

Then I washed Lagoona's hair! I was quite unsuccessful, as There's still some gel right near the roots on the top of the head. This also shows how thin Dance class Lagoona's hair is.

Here's the hairstyle from the front:

I also LOVE taking photos under the lamp because I can display small figurines such as MH pets:

or my little polly pocket mermaid:

and if I want to do a review of a doll, I can easily take photos of small accessories like bags:

and derp eyes:

Yeah, so what do you think? Now I can't wait to get my next MH doll, which will hopefully be Freaky fusion Ghoulia I can do a blog review of her too!!!

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