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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Jane Boolittle: is mattel trying to hint something here?

Jane Boolittle is my most recent doll, and I really like her. When she first made her debut behind the gates of monster high at Comicon 2013, lots of us thought that, by her shoe, we would be getting the first disabled monster high doll. After watching Mommy and Gracie show's interview with Garret sander that was proven false and the shoe was just a cool shoe. Now, you may be wondering what the shoe in question is, so here's what it looks like:

So, as you can see, the shoe does very much look like a leg brace,but,as confirmed by Garret, it is just a really cool shoe. Although, here is the interesting thing, Jane also comes with a walking stick. Now, the walking stick is primarily because Jane spends a lot of time walking around in the jungle. But I think it's for a different reason. If you don't know, here's what the walking stick looks like:

So, that is the walking stick. In her diary, she mentions her walking stick in the "killer style" section. She says"I also have an absolutely smashing walking stick I cannot stand to be without." She also says"The only clues I have are needles and my walking stick-I never go on a hike without it." That is the only 2 times I can find where she mentions her walking stick, but if you own Jane, you might want to look through her diary to make sure I didn't miss anything. From this evidence it seems that Jane is very attached to her walking stick, yet she only mentions it 2 times in her diary. So while Jane may not be officially disabled, I think Mattel may be trying to hint something here. 

So, what do you think of Jane's walking stick? Tell me down below!

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