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Monday, January 27, 2014

Monster high/everafterhigh

So, lately my brain has been abuz with MH and EAH. I can't believe how cool the secret creepers are, and I hope that the wave 1 EAH's don't go away so soon. The reason I'm worried about this is because I have not seen Briar beauty a lot lately, I've seen her as legacy day and getting fairest, but I have rarely seen her as wave 1. I am also really wanting pic. day Frankie as my first Frankie doll. I've also been attempting to make an inverted fishtail by hand, and it's okay, but my fingers start hurting, so I take the bracelet off my fingers and then I can never get it back on.

Also, I have decided that when Rebecca's hair styling set comes out, I am so going to get it. The faux curling iron is to cute, and I can use it for Lindsey, or just as a prop. Caronline's is okay except 1. I don't have Caroline and 2. I don't have and blond haired dolls so, not really for me. Also, I have not been able to do any missions at innerstar u. I did one medal challange, but other than that, none of the guides have and projects for me. Is there something I need to do?

That's about all I have today, nothing to exciting happened during the day, except the Mommy and Gracie show tags are going around like wild fire. I also can't wait for chad Alan to do another toy news video, his last one was really funny, the part where he impersonated him calling toysrus about the new zelfs. 

See you all soon! Bye :)

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