Meet the family

This is the official blog for TAGCstudios, which can be found at

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Finally almost begining camp doll diaries!

So, Doll diaries posted the first Camp tutorial, how to make doll keys. Fortunately, I have some doll sized keys from old diaries, so I was able to do this craft! I decided to split my dolls into 2 cabins this year. Rainbows and Sunshine. Here's how the craft turned out:
Molly (left) and Lindsey (right) hold their cabin keys.
Molly is in cabin Sunshine and Lindsey is in Cabin rainbow

The keys by themselves

A close up of how Molly holds the key

I think they turned out good, I love how easy they were! I didn't have any scrapbook keys, so these are just some old mini diary keys. I don't have enough to make 1 for every camper, so the girls will just have to share.

Make sure to vote for your favorite Google doodles!

So, if you didn't know, every year Google has a contest. This contest encourages children to send in their doodles that have google in them. Now, the competition has started, and you can vote! To vote, just go to  or there's a link on the google homepage. From there, just look through all the doodles and vote for your favorite! You don't have to have any sort of google account. I wish I could vote for all of them, they're all so good! I don't want to put any of the images on here though, because that could be illegal? or maybe break some type of rule. The winner gets a few things for prizes as well as having their doodle featured on the google website. There are different levels of winners of course, so almost everyone gets something cool.

*note* I am not affiliated with Google in any way, this is all my own opinions and views.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

My little pony in need of help!

I have this MLP pinkie pie in need of tlc. I don't know what treatments I need to do to restore her. She could also have some drastic condition. "pony cancer" or "pin dot." Please leave any suggestions in the comments. She is either g2 or g3. She has tinsel in her hair, and it's evident that the hair is supposed to be curly. My dog also chewed on her foot, and a bit on her head. Any advice would be helpful. I would like to save her, she's still in okay condition.


This is her hair. It has tinsel, and is very scragely. It is apparent that the hair is supposed to be curly.
I have not been able to find a product image on the internet. 

Here's her tail. It's okay, and doesn't need that much restoration.

Here you can see that her paw is chewed up by a dog. I think it could be re-sculpted with clay.

Here's a close up of her cutie mark, this might help identify which generation she is.

This is my final reach for help. I really hope someone can tell me what treatment I should do.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The fault in our stars review

So, I had been wanting to read Tfios for a while, but just didn't want ot buy it. I then came across a full audio book on youtube. So today, I had nowhere to go to and I listened to the audio book. It is a wonderful book.

So first, what this book's about. The Fault in our Stars is written by John Green ( he has a youtube channel with his brother, Hank Green called thevlogbrothers)
The book is about a girl named Hazel who has cancer and is pretty much in remission. She has to have an oxygen tank to help her breathe. The book basically follows her life. In the process, she falls in love with a boy named Augusts waters, and I'm going to stop talking now. ( or do you want the spoilers?)

I love the book!!! Just be warned, this book does have curse words. Now, usually I don't like hearing things with curse words. But, if you are mature about it, then you can handle it. Now, this book WILL make you cry. It doesn't matter whether you get emotional or not, you WILL cry. It will be a happy cry though. ( I can't tell you why you will cry, that would be a spoiler) The book is wonderful. The movie will be coming out June 6th ( bring tissues?) and I really want to see it. This book is a good sad book, not a sad sad book. I totally recommend you read ( or listen to) the book. This book will leave a lasting impression on you.

Friday, April 25, 2014

AG happy meals!

So, if you havn't heard the news by now Mc Donalds will be offering American girl Isabelle happy meal toys! Go visit to see photos. I hope they give out actual dolls, not like what they did with the historical dolls. I like the dolls, they're very close to AG minis. They also have some human goodies. The happy meals come out may 23rd. I can't wait!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

A sick day, a rainy day

So, today I woke up sick. It wasn't fun, and I'm still sick now. I was sick all day at school, and it's hard to concentrate when you're sick at school. Then, it rained today. Talk about a bad day. I hope I'll get better by this weekend, I don't like being sick. I might upload a video, my voice is fine. I'll probably write another blog post, but I'll have to work on it first. Oh well, have a good day everybody!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy birthday Molly!

Happy birthday Molly! I made a video on youtube, where Molly opens her present, and then I had her sit with me at the table while I ate my breakfast.

I don't know what happened, but I can't insert videos. Just go to the link and you will see it.
Also... Happy Earth Day!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy easter

Sorry for no post last night, I was SO tired. Anyways, Happy easter! I hope you guys had fun. Emily and Anna claire wore Molly and Emily's christmas dresses. I also got a few small easter gifts. Sorry for such a short post, but there's really nothing to talk about. I'm glad I've had the chance to still be active on the internet though. I received some Youtube comments that were both strange and negative. Why do people leave mean comments? I have now changed my policy. I will READ every comment, I will only RESPOND to comments that actually have some meaning to them.

Friday, April 18, 2014


Okay, so about a week ago, I told you guys that I would be buying slo mo off e-bay. Well, I finally found a good deal, and ordered it!!!!! I am so excited, he will come in the box, and he was for a good price to! I can't wait for him to come, he should come in about a week or so! Although this does kind of mess up my plans, but I can easily fix that. Slo mo prices have dropped drastically, and if you look you can find him for as low as $25! ( Plus shipping of course) I made sure he had human hands, and I'm, pretty sure he does! It is going to be such an agonizing week, but I'm so happy! Just so you know, there are 2 versions of slo mo. There is one with clawd hands and one with human hands. Be sure to look at the pictures closely to determine what hands he has, it that matters to you. Overall... I can't wait! I know, I could have doll hunted for him. But knowing my area, he will never be here. In fact, I don't think I ever saw Scaris Duece in person.

I have many more interesting posts prepared!
See you guys soon!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

My dream boy doll

You know how people customize boy dolls? If you don't here's the rundown. You take a girl doll, take her wig off, and then put on a boy wig ordered online. Now, I want a boy doll. My boy doll would be named Alex. He will have blond hair, about kit's color, as well as kit's eyes. But what I've mainly been working on, is his personality. Alex will be an extremely nerdy person. He's going to be a combination of all of the people I've met in my life. So, he's going to be a little bit of everyone.

I also want to make a custom doll "Lydia." She is going to have a Cecile body and head, a light skinned right arm, dark skinned left leg, and medium skin left arm and right leg. I know it looks weird, but she's not meant to be a play doll, and the wig will be custom to, but I can't explain it now. She is supposed to represent diversity in dolls. I think if Mattel saw what people would do to their dolls to make diversity, then tehy might make more dolls to suit more dolls.

I would also like to have conjoined twin dolls. Yes, I know. I don't think anyone's ever had this idea. But the boundary is not how I will make them conjoined, but where I will make them conjoined, then I will use my sewing skills to make special clothes. I would make them out of #32.

Those are my custom dolls I would love to make! Do you have any custom doll wishlists?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Marie Grace and Cecile are retiring... HELP ME!!!!

Help me! Okay, I am desperate. So, a personal shopper strongly encouraged adding Marie grace, Cecile, Ivy, and or Ruthie to you collection, hinting that they are about to retire!!! I have been wanting Marie grace for a while, but how am I going to get Cecile?!?!?! I also want Kaya for my b-day, so that won't change, but I may add a few MG items onto my list to. I am so scared, what will the American girls collection become?? Marie grace is also sold out at Atlanta Georgia AGP, so get her if you have wanted her. I am in a panic attack right now, I think I am typing at top speed. What should I do? Save my money and wait to see if the rumor is true? ( but then it might be to late) or Blow it all right now? ( I might not have any money afterwards) HELP!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Top 10 best craft tutorials ever!

There are a TON of tutorials on youtube, blogs, etc. Out of all of the tutorials I've seen, there are a few which I LOVE!!! Here are the BEST of the BEST craft tutorials.

This list goes from 10, which is my least favorite, to 1 which is my most favorite.

10. How to make doll Toms
Make them here:
By: Doll diaries ( I think, I'm not sure though)
This is just one of the many tutorials, but they all follow the same steps. I made some, but they were really bulky and got hair stuck to them. But this tutorial is good for someone who doesn't want to spend $$ on AG shoes.

9. How to make a doll picnic table
Make it here:
By: Myfroggystuff
This is great if you don't have any $$ to spend on doll furniture, but you have to put a lot of work into it. Plus, it didn't give really clear instructions.

8. How to make a mini doll bunk bed
Make it here:
By: Kkollect
I love it! The only reason it comes in #8 is because I like some of the other tutorials better

7. How to make a doll dress
Make it here:
By: Myfroggystuff
I used this tutorial to make Ashllyn ella's wedding dress, so it is really good! Only thing is, she asks you to do a "lose straight stitch" and that messes with the tension. This might be hard for beginner seamstresses.

6.How to make doll insulated lunch boxes
Make it here:
By: Anna from doll diaries
I absolutely LOVE Anna on doll diaries! Her crafts are always so easy, fun, and not to mention cute! I made like 3 of these, so now all of my dolls have lunchboxes!

5.How to make doll valentines day banners
Make it here:
By: Ann from doll diaries
I know, but I love these 2 crafts of Anna's, so why not put them together.
I made this and it is so cute!

4. I don't think I have a four, I just can't decide.

3. How to make a bitty baby swing
Make it here:
By: Karen from doll diaries
This is so cute! I didn't make it personally, but I love the idea! I suggested this idea to Jane smith, an AGtuber who loves her bitty twins&bitty baby.

2. How to make doll hangers
Make it here:
By: Camelot's treasure's, a guest post on Karen's site from doll diaries.
This is a LIFESAVER!!! I love the idea, and I saved over $40 from not buying AG hangers! This is one of the best craft tutorials I have seen, and it is so EASY!!!

1. How to make doll elastic pants
Make it here:
By: My froggy stuff
This is what got me sewing! This was my first sewing project, and I absolutely LOVE the tutorial. I use it so often, and I love making little outfits for my dolls. Thank you, My froggy stuff, for fueling my interest in sewing. Other factors helped to, but My froggy stuff was the key!

There you go! Those are my top 10 craft tutorials. The main things I look for in tutorials are...

  1. Easiness
  2. How easy is it to gather the supplies?
  3. is it simple?
  4. Can I actually use it? ( For ex. I love the hangers, but I don't like the doll Toms, because I don't use them a lot.
I hope you guys enjoyed! This is the big post I had been promising you guys. Do you have a tutorial that I missed? Leave a link in the comments below!

Venus from Monster High has gone Goth

Okay, so I say I <3 fashion Venus pictures from either comic con or toy fair, I can't remember which. Either way, I thought she was cool, but I didn't pay attention... now, I'm like what?
Let me tell you how I know that Venus has gone goth

  1. She has a black checkered print across her pink shaved side, like what? (ugh)
  2. She's got jagged bangs. The bangs were purposely cut in a jagged shape.
  3. She's got black highlights in the back of her hair. Black, seriously!?!?!?
  4. She comes with a safety pin earring
  5. Her vines and the boots that she comes wearing are both black
  6. This Venus now has a very Abbey- like expression.
  7. Her hair is so much shorter, and it looks gelled to!
That's my problem. I don't really like her that much. Cleo is okay, but looks a lot like oasis Cleo. I would post a picture, but I don't want to get in trouble with copyright, so you can just google "I heart fashion venus" or go and watch Nikki's review of the new I <3 fashion dolls on youtube. Have a good day!

Slo mo jokes!

I love Slo mo, he's so cool, plus the FINALLY made him into a doll! For a while now, I've been making some Slo mo jokes! I finally made a youtube video with all the jokes, but I may have forgotten a few. Here's what I got...

  1. When I find Slo-mo, I want to SLOwly enjoy the MOment!
  2. What kind of food does Slo mo like to eat... SLOppy joes!
  3. I walked up to him and said "hey, I need some MO jo!"
  4. What did Slo mo say when he was asked "sir, do you have your drivers license?" He said: ughhhhhhh!
I need some MO Slo mo jokes! Comment down below!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Tinychat fun!

So, now that I know that you don't have to have a tinychat account to tinychat, I am having fun! I first tinychatted with GOTYstudios, which was so fun, because she hadn't posted in so long. Now,as I write this, I am in a tinychat with ilovesabie. I love tinychat, it's so much fun! I'm still working on my big post, I will hopefully finish it tomorrow.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Monster high checklists

There are a lot of Monster high checklists out there. Many different options for any MH fan. The one I like best is where you can print out checklists to! ( Just be sure to ask your parents for permission first, printer ink is expensive) There are others out there to, or you could make your own by using your computer. I find ti best if you find one checklist to rely on and stick to it. Valerie, the creator of has also created an where you can view all of the ever after high dolls. There aren't printable EAH checklists yet, but I'm sure there will be soon. I also feel that checklists are great to give to family so they know which MH doll to get you for Birthdays, Christmas, etc.
I hope you guys are okay with a short post, I'm working on a bigger post for later.

Friday, April 11, 2014

My Ever After High wishlist!

So, I made EAH wishlist. Now, when I say wishlist, I mean it's more like a plan. I've had my AG and MH wishlists for a while, but I just couldn't get into the mood to do an EAH wishlist. Now, I was in the mood!
So, I'm now going to share my wishlist! Please know, I'm not trying to boast or do anything similar to that.

First, I would like to get Cerise, as she's been out for a while. Then, I would like to get getting fairest Maddie, and then C.A. Cupid.

Next, I would like  To get Cerise and Blondie together.

Then, I will purchase "character hauls" which is where I purchase 2 of a character.

So first, Legacy day and getting fairest Raven

Then the same with Briar

Then the same with Apple.

Next, and lastly, I would like to get the play sets. First Raven's dorm and then Apple's couch.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I'm going to e-bay!

I have made the decision... I am going to e-bay and buy slo mo! He is NOWHERE!!! In my area, he's just not going to show up. Besides... he is now going for as low as $26! I plan to buy him soon as I get enough money. I feel so drained!

Here's what I want...

Emily mini doll

MH Frights Camera action honey swamp and black carpet lagoona

ghoul spirit line
dead tired wave 3 line

EAH... Each doll is Aprox. $21... I want/need 11 dolls, plus I just found out there's a new doll line Hat tastic coming out! I don't have the other play sets either. That's over $200. I know, it's a problem/

Don't even get me started on my AG wishlist.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Let's talk about dolls

So, with all the rumors and stuff, it is just crazy, here's my plan to get through all the craziness

  1. Get mini Emily before mini dolls possibly change
  2. Get the rest of Molly's books. I just need 3,4,5,6,and her last mystery, clues in the shadows
  3. I am wanting Kaya for my b-day, so I am going to save up money for other items i am not going to put on my wishlist
  4. I am totally putting MAG stuff on the back of my list, plus keep in mind I also collect MH and EAH dolls.
  5. Marie grace haul! I hope to get MG, her accessories, dog, lacy parasol, and pj's together. Then I will have to get the other stuff. I may get Cecile, I may not.
  6. Rebecca is who I want to collect for next, but probably not for the next few years.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the stuff you want? Here's my tip!
Set a monthly goal. Say I am going to purchase item, item and item this month. Also make sure to save your money and budget! 

I wish good luck to all the collectors out there!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Kaya's story review (Books 1-3)

So, I have read Kaya's first,second,and third books, so I thought I would do a review on them all.

Meet Kaya-
This book is wonderful. It tells the story of how Kaya gets her bad nickname, as well as giving more facts and information on Nimmipu culture. If you have a young child who is going to be reading these books, I recommend you have an adult read with them, as younger children might have lots of questions about Nez perce culture. One thing I love about Kaya's books is that I always wanted to read the next one. I can't wait to pick up books 4,5,and 6.

Kaya's escape-
In this book, Kaya's  village is raided. Kaya and her friend speaking rain are taken captive to another village. I did not enjoy this book as much as the first one. For 1, Kaya loses 2 things that are very important to her. ( Don't want to spoil anything) The book really just did not follow in the great footsteps that Meet Kaya did.

Kaya's hero-
I enjoyed this book, but at the same time I did not like it. This book tells the story of how Swan circling become's Kaya's friend. Only thing is... There is a death in this book. I would tell you, but I don't want to spoil it unless you haven't read the books.

Overall, Kaya's books are great! As soon as I finish one, I immediately want to read another! One thing I would change is all the tragedy that happens in Kaya's story. Definitely have a parent nearby to answer any questions little kids may have. If your child is going to be really young, I would recommend waiting till they're at least 7 or 8 before they read her books. I definitely want to get books 4,5, and 6 so I can finish reading the series. Out of 5 stars, I would give it 4 stars. It is not the best series ever, but is still a good really good read.

I am not affiliated with american girl, and these are just my opinonss*

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Doll find!

So, today I went to a renaissance fair with my friend. I went to a table where they had souvenirs, and they had mini hats! Now, they were mini hats for humans. They have 2 clips to hold the hat in your hair. But... It works perfect as doll sized hats!

Just keep hunting!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Innerstar-u, why do I not have time!

So, I do have an innerstaru account, but I have like no free time, so i rarely play on it. I also think my account is messed up because I can't find any new projects. One thing that upsets me is when I see people giving away innerstaru codes, I mean, that's YOUR CODE. btw, you can actually register multiple dolls on one account. I don't know why, I'm just not in favor about this. Plus, I think it's kind of boring not to have the doll to pay with online. So, be sure to keep your codes!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


News, news, news! ( News, newsy news, news time with news newsman. - My music, Youtube)

Wow, what a lot of news!

First of all, The new Canada AG stores will open May 3rd!!! Keep in mind that these stores will not have historical characters, or doll hospital admissions. I don't think they will have bistros, but I'm not sure.

Okay, this is not technically news

AG replacement meet outfits, the $$ is OUTRAGEOUS!!!!
Let me show/tell you?

( This comes from Rhonda at
So, someone e-mailed AG to ask about replacement meet outfits ( For Molly and kit) and got these results


  • Meet outfit ( Sweater, skirt, jacket) $20
  • Kit's sandals $10
  • Kit's underwear $8 Wow, I can make a pair of doll underwear for less than that
  • Kit's barrette $2
  • The total for the complete meet outfit is $40
Molly's complete outfit is $48

With the $, it's just cheaper to buy almost 2 outfits from AG!!!! 
Now, kit's barrette, that price is reasonable. The sandals, okay, I can see you there. 
Meet outfit, I think it should be cheaper, it's not a full outfit w/ shoes or accessories!
The underwear, just save money and use a t-shirt sleeve.

Also, if you go check out My froggy stuff stuff They have cute doll sized wall outlet and light switch printables for your doll house. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Camp doll diaries 2014!!!!

A little while ago, Doll diaries announced the return of camp doll diaries! If you watch me on youtube, you know that I loved camp doll diaries last year, and I can't wait to do it this year to! If you don't know what camp doll diaries is, it is a virtual online camp where everyday, the doll diaries team will post a daily craft! It doesn't have to be AG dolls, it can be other toys to! It is all free choice ( you can decide what to do). I'm sure more information will be announced, but I do know that the doll diaries team is already working on it!

Here is all of my camp doll diaries stuff from last year:

Don't worry, all the posts from last year are still on the website! I made the name tags, sit upons, and the signs from kkollect's tutorial. 

Go here: to learn more. You can also search their website for camp doll diaries 2014.
I love the new logo doll diaries posted, it has a rainbow!
I also need to get to work on making Anna Clare a name tag, as this will be her first time here!

*Please vote*
If you haven't noticed, I put up a new poll. Tell me which posts you want to see more of, so I can observe and plan posts accordingly. It seems that AG posts get more views, so I wanted to see what you guys like the most!

Camp starts the last week of may with a week of "camp prep" and then continues ALL SUMMER!!!!
Get excited folks, I can tell this year will be AWESOME!!!!